


初一年级 英语词汇大赛

时间:2014-12-19 10:39:05 作者:初一年级 学生处

On December 17, 2014, Grade 7 held an English vocabulary contest in the hall at 2:30 in the afternoon. Thirty three brilliant competitors stood on the stage, representing their own classes to compete with others.

The first round is a spelling contest. Students in the first two rows repeat and spell the word the teacher says. The students in the third row will say a new word with the  same first letter as the word the teacher said. After the first round, there are classes which won 30 points, while there are classes which won only 10 points. The second round is a jeopardy. The students from the second row choose a section from the chart on the screen and choose how many points he/she wants. If your answer is correct, you can earn points. If your answer is wrong, then your team will lose points. This round made some classes’ points go up straightly, but some unlucky classes were unfortunate. Everybody was nervous, because they all hoped their class could win. Nextit was the third round: ”You perform it, I guess it!” The third student performs the word on the screen and the two others guess. Class 7 and Class 8 got the same scores, so there was an extra round. After the extra round, the teachers announced that Class 4 was the third, Class 1 and Class 2 were the second and Class 3 was the first.
       This competition brought students happiness and joy. It make students realize the importance of English words.






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